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UK Managed To Find 1 Tbps Speed 5 G Network — 60000x Faster Than 4 G LTE!

After last year's South Korea through Samsung managed to find a network of 5 g 7.5 Gbps speed, now turn of researchers from the University of Surrey in the UK that a show of teeth.

No responsibility-responsibility, 5 g network they found could be bolted above speed 1 Tbps (one terabit per second). This means that the speed of the network is more than 5 g 60000x 4 g LTE speeds at the moment!

Director of 5 g Innovation Centre (5GIC) Professor Rahim Tafazolli even stated that this discovery broke the record as the wireless network with the speed of the internet is highest in the world.

Currently this super fast 5 g networks are still limited on-campus testing Univeristy of Surrey with radius range up to 100 meters. But in 2016 and 2017 it later researchers will begin transmitting the network outside the campus, to its peak in 2018 would demonstrated to the public.

1 Tbps speeds is as great as the speed of internet capable carried fiber optics, just that this was achieved in wireless. This achievement was still not final. They are still targeting to continue lowering the latency to below one millisecond to achieve more speed at maximum again.

Tafazolli predicts that in the future, either in the year 2020, 2030, 2040, or applications would increasingly require high internet speed. That's when this super fast 5 g connection would it take and start to become standard.

Various technologies such as 3D holographic that were starting to appear via Microsoft Hololens, Virtual Reality that has emerged through the Oculus Rift and Sony Morpheus, even increasingly fast development of the Internet of Things (IoT) surely became one of the reason why wireless high-speed internet network would be necessary.

1 Tbps… WOW!