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Why Do You Need To Use Windows SSD On 10!

Why Do You Need To Use Windows SSD On 10!

Now it's Saturday night, and once upon a time I want a little sharing about experience in the world of perwindowsan here. And the things I want to discuss is why must pake SSDS on Windows 10?, based on my own experience.

originally I think "fuck SSD", "expensive", I can buy 1 TB HDD at the same price with a 128 GB SSD. Until the beginning of 2018 and I still use the HDD as a storage medium and system Windows 10 runs. But around March 2018 "I forget when exactly", finally because I was annoyed with the Slow Laptop, and Disk Usage are 100% because the process from Windows Update and his friend, then I decided to buy an SSD.

There are countless benefits provided Since I use a SSD, and this will make the reasons why you as a user of the HDD for System so switching to SSD, especially if you use Windows 10.

No More Disk Usage 100%

If users of Windows 7 seems to be a bit rare to encounter this problem, in accordance with my experience using the HDD as a medium for bootable Windows 7, yet for Windows 8.1 and 10, Disk Usage is becoming a major problem for some people.

After upgrading to SSD, Disk Usage 100% not going to show up and memperlamban again, unless you're doing Copy Data into the SSD SSD you from others.
Not Noisy

Because the HDD is it has a Disc spinning inside, of course it will be a little bit of sound, his voice is usually still reads "krik ... krik ... "instead of crickets Yes. With the strange sound of my own HDD so feel disturbed. And after upgrading to SSD, laptops are so quiet and steady.

Boot Fast. ... Once!

No doubt, after I switch to SSD, Windows Boot normally for 10 dilaptop I it takes 30 – 1.5 Minutes, to really be used because there are some startup loading apps, now only requires 5 – 8/9 Tick, and it could've been used, Btw this SSD with SATA Interface, let alone by NVMe, wah could think faster. Read also: what's the Drive NVMe? What Are Its Benefits?

In addition the same as Booting faster, open data, open the "quick" application "faster", "steady data transfer". Not a slow slowness deh!.

Should Upgrade?



According to my own, should be!, Yes, it's the price that SSDS is a bit expensive, but you can find Promo price in Online Shop, though the brand SSDnya is not really nice, but its disreputable SSD, he's faster than HDD, believe my same deh. 😂. In addition the size of 128 GB ever struck me as really quite deh for Windows 10 and some other software, just as the SSD System priority Windows 10 and Software is important, for Data and other Software such as games, you can keep it in the HDD.

Here also I used SSD that whatever brand, if not wrong it's readable but his MHS Kingspec with a size of 256 GB, I use to D Drive and Booting Linux Ubuntu Mate, yes even though its brand is less well-known, if seen from the picture above, any brand that proves it, SSD fixed fast!.

That's a couple of reasons why you must pake SSD, yes the point anyway by using the SSD you can save more time to do productivity with Windows 10 ye, even 10 Windows Update process now so disturbing because Weve baseball so quick. Well you use SSDS as well? Please provide your comment below guys.

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