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Windows Development System 10 Defects

Windows Development System 10 Defects

The case of the bug a few times it continues to haunt the latest Windows update 10 makes a lot of users and bloggers questioned tekno system Windows development 10. Is it true that Windows development system 10 defects?

Changes in the system of Windows development

Arstechnica, a technology blog that so many illustrious techno fans wrote an article which was nice about it. All these problems originated from the ambitions of Microsoft with Windows 10 turned out to even change how developing Windows 10. The company, based in Redmond wants to respond to customer and market needs better, and of course putting new features into the hands of customers more quickly. The core of all this is how Windows 10 is designed as a ' final ' version of Windows, so all development is sent to users as an update for Windows 10 with some major update that was sent several times a year (generally two times a year). This model of development is given the brand as "Windows as a Service".

Microsoft is using the new model to submit new features that are useful to the user without having to make users wait for two to three years as the era of Windows before Windows 10. The advantage of this model is indeed considerable. Consumers are happy because getting a fixed schedule to obtain the new features from Microsoft. But there is a problem with this model of development: quality!

So many fans that complained about the quality of the Windows after the addition of 10 new features regularly. This is of course quite shake the Redmond.

Does not matter how often, but how development

If we are looking at other OS development system, two big updates a year is actually more often than MacOS, iOS, and Android. So it is clear that Microsoft is indeed already acted excessively in order to achieve this.

Technically, any updates made on the system are automatically propagated to the production server so successful pass through automated testing. However Windows contains many individual components and integrated. This makes the development of Windows becomes very challenging. With target gave two major update each year, development becomes heavy enough for developers.

Microsoft did not reveal the detailed process of developing Windows 10, but the characteristics of the process we can observe, that through these features send to insider, then how about insider report bugs found on build, combined with information from other sources, it is certainly not an adequate way to develop a piece of software is important.

In the days before Windows 10, time release cycle products is two to three years, Microsoft breaks the process into several phases: design and planning, development, integration, the stabilization feature. His estimate 4-6 months of planning and design, 6-8 week intensive coding, and then 4 months of integration (every feature will be developed into branches each so everything can be consolidated and merged together), followed by stabilization (i.e. testing and bug fixes). This cycle even repeated three or four times to get the best quality. But in the era of Windows 10, it should be done in just six months!

Microsoft employees as described, some months of development will be divided into a phase of "tell", followed by one month "ask" phase. In the "ask" phase, only the important modifications permitted by ignoring a lot of small bugs. For example, the build of the first October Update (code name RS5) introduced to the insider on February 14. Then build stable Update for April appeared two months later on 16 April. Rs5 will receive no significant features up to 7 March. Many new features and then added in May to July, prior to launch (for testing insider) in August and September. Microsoft then just do a little modification on the things that are most important. In this way then the build will be ready in September to be released in October.

During the phase of integration and bug fixes, Microsoft sends out a preview build to an insider with a warning that "in the initial development cycle, this build may contain bugs that would be bothersome to some people, if you are not comfortable with This, you might want to switch to Slow Ring that has a higher build quality ".

From here we know things related fundamental Windows development: not done tests against all code is adequately. Microsoft immediately forward it to the insider and hope that this group of Enthusiast would be willing to finish the work with the free Microsoft test and check out any bugs in the build submitted. Of course since it was handed over to users, then Microsoft cannot expect high quality testing.

Inadequate testing makes the Windows developers not sure against the direction of the development of the software. They are not sure of the situation of the bug, and certainly do not get sufficient qualities associated with reports of bugs. This led to the attempt of bug fixes be patchy if you can't sort of guessing the direction of repair with the same analogy is like shooting in the dark.

Even so, Microsoft maintains this method with reason, this system allows Microsoft has thousands of testers that use the OS in a real world situation. But of course the Micorosft ignores one important detail: the quality testing. Rare insider delivering quality testing as expected. Microsoft's approach to the bug that pops up is: "merge bug now, fix it later". But in practice, Microsoft was never able to find a bug in the build rilisannya in full so that the process becomes a process that continuously.

Compared to the era of the development of Windows 7 and Windows 8, Microsoft used to have a large number of special tester, even with large numbers, Microsoft can assign specific tester to test every small feature. Most of this tester is not hired again in 2014 after Microsoft found that sending a test build to users turns out to save time and cost. Unfortunately, this takes up a savings sacrifice: quality!


Microsoft has big gaps in the process of development of Windows, and this should be a concern to Microsoft if they did want to ensure that consumers get the best quality OS. The argument above shows that there is something wrong with the way Microsoft develops his OS, especially on the part of testing and improvements. If this continues, then we can ' look forward ' to keep seeing the bug sucks like the ' accidental ' Windows user delete files after 10 October 2018 Update that was released yesterday.

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