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About Windows 7 Questions

About Windows 7 Questions


When will download Windows 7 you may have experienced a little confused, because there are Windows 7 32-bit and Windows 7 64-bit. Then which one should be chosen and matched with a Laptop or computer that you have? In addition you may have confused a bit what the heck's the difference between Windows 7 32-bit with Windows 7 64-bit? This is a common question that often comes up.

> > What advantage running Windows 7 64-bit Windows 7 32-bit compare?

If you frequently work with large file sizes-large and takes up a lot of memory (e.g. video editing) of course Windows 7 64-bit would be the best option because it will give better performance compared to Windows 7 32-bit. As we know Windows 7 64-bit memory support has been to 192GB, while the Windows 7 32-bit 4 GB only for maximum performance.  Another advantage of Windows 7 64-bit is in terms of security, more secure than Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 7 64-drivers because the bit must be fully certified by the vendor of the hardware makers, so it is very difficult for infiltrated by malware.

> > Whether Laptop or computer can I run Windows 7 64-bit?

If you recently bought a computer a computer with the latest and up to date technology in General has been able to support and run Windows 7 62-bit, unless the processor you are using is the low-end e.g. processor Laptop with Intel processors Intel Duo Core Atom or down. However if you are using classmate processor Intel Core 2 Duo then can be sure that your computer is capable and can run Windows 7 64-bit version. If you still doubt it's good to program the processor Identification of Intel processor to determine if you have Windows 7 64-bit support or not.

> > What about other Hardware e.g. Soundcard or LAN Card?

See the year of manufacture of your hardware, if made after the Windows Vista (3 years back) then it can be sure the hardware has indeed been support Windows 7 64-bit, but if the hardware you use made in the years before Windows Vista is present (e.g. year 2004 under), you check your website and the author of the hardware vendor to find out whether there is a driver for Windows 7 64-bit support.

> > Whether drivers for Windows 7 32-bit can be used for Windows 7 64-bit

The answer is clearly, no. Windows 7 32-bit has a different structure of Windows 7 64-bit.

> > Then how when I have already installed Windows 7 64-bit while the drivers of the hardware I have for Windows 7 32-bit?

Don't worry about using the Windows XP Mode (Virtual Machine) in Windows 7 you can use the Windows 7 32-bit drivers even though your computer has installed the Windows 7 64-bit

> > Can I run 32-bit Windows programs in Windows 7 64-bit?

With technology WOW aka Win 32 on Win64 Windows 7 of course you can still run the 32-bit Windows programs in Windows 7 64-bit
> > Does can upgrade Windows 7 32-bit to Windows 7 64-bit?
It is not. To install Windows 7 64-bit from Windows 7 32-bit you should perform a full Installation of the alias can not be upgraded directly to Windows 7 32-bit to Windows 7 64-bit.