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How Can Not Change Screen Resolution Windows 10

Windows 10 is the latest version of Microsoft Windows, in a year there are at least 2 major updates that await Windows 10. These updates are usually rolled out around March-April and September-October.
As it turns out, is not the only new features are provided by Microsoft every time there is a new update. Yups, correctly, there is also the problem that will befall every update and one of the problems frequently encountered WinPoin is a screen resolution cannot be changed!

Therefore, on this occasion, WinPoin wanted to tell you how to fix the problem. There are at least 2 ways to fix the problem and here are the details:

The First Way (Update Display Driver Software)

For the first way, please you go first into Device Manager (right click Start and search Device Manager), then make sure the Display adapters already installed.

If it is already installed and you are still not able to change the screen resolution, meaning it's his mark driver (software) Display adapters you use still in older versions and yet support Windows 10.

Please update these drivers with the right click and select update driver and later you will be faced with two options i.e. "Search automatically for updated driver software" or "Browse my computer for driver software". Just select the first option if you connect to the internet due to later PC you will find the latest software driver for you.

The Second Way (Reinstall The Display Driver Software)

If the first way doesn't work, it's a sign there is a problem with the driver software that you install. It could be just because it is not compatible (as) corrupt or occurred when the driver installation process underway.

If so, then you have to do reinstall the display driver software manually. Make sure you already know the type and brand of the display driver that you installed on your PC. If you know, please do an uninstall and re-install the driver.

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