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Turn Off Visual Effects In Windows 10

Turn off Visual Effects in Windows 10

A very friendly look may be one of the attraction Windows 10, besides the Visual effects also play an important role to make the user feel comfortable in operating them.
But in order to make the visual effects work, required GPU that meets the system requirements or above. For that matter, not all people have it, even though it's been qualified nonetheless there is still a problem with visual effects.

If you are one of them, this time WinPoin will give you a way to turn off the visual effects. It also can improve the performance of the system because of minimal resource memory used to run it.

Turn off Visual Effects in Windows 10

First open the Windows Run (WinKey + R), and then type SystemPropertiesAdvanced.

Then on the menu click Options, Perfomance Settings.

Next you can choose the desired visual options, among others.

Let Windows choose what's best for my computer:
·         specify the visual effects on the recommendation system.
·         Adjust for best apperance: Enable all visual effects that exist, surely it can slow down a PC's performance if the specifications are categorized as low.
·         Adjust for best perfomance: turn off all visual effects, this is certainly able to make PC performance faster because it does not have to load halman visual effects.

·         Custom: specify the visual effects you want.

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