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Microsoft Released Visual Studio Coming on April 2, 2019

Microsoft Released Visual Studio Coming on April 2, 2019

There is good news for you developers who use Microsoft Visual Studio, according to the latest information provided to Microsoft, they will launch Microsoft Visual Studio this year 2019.

If we remember back in December of last year, Microsoft announced the release of Visual Studio 2019 Preview for PC and Mac. And today Microsoft announced Visual Studio will launch on 2 April 2019 through launch event online.

According to Visual Studio reportedly 2019 is now faster, more reliable, more productive for individuals and teams, easier to use, and easier to get started. Some of the new features included in this release is the IntelliCode to IntelliSense assisted AI, the ability of the extended refactoring, debugging a more intelligent and more. What's new in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019?

The IDEA of

  1. Collaborate with others using Visual Studio Live Share, which is installed by default. Additional language support for C ++, VB.NET, and Razor gives guests a view of the solution and share difference source control.
  2. Open the code recently You're working on or start from one of the most commonly used flow like clones, open, or a new project through the window of a new beginning.
  3. Create a new project with a better search experience and filter using a new template list sorted by popularity.
  4. Have more vertical space to your code and display as well as modern taste through a series of new visual changes in the shell.


  • Control how a solution is loaded by using the new Visual Studio performance improvements that affect the speed of switching, the speed stepping value of branches, and much more.
  • See the loading progress of the solution in the center of the Status of the task.
  •     Select which project will be loaded on the open solution with file filter solution.
  • Improve Your typing performance by limiting the impact of the AIDS component.
  • New option switch to disable the recovery status of the hierarchy of the project and the status of Your tool window.

General Debugging

  • Search for keywords in the window Watch, Autos, and Local debugging to improve your ability to find objects or values.
  • See format specifiers in the dropdown window, Automatic Watch, and locally when checking the data.
  • Use the visualizer, now compatible with .NET's Core.
  • Debug applications that are very large with a large number of modules and GDP.

Source Control and Team Explorer

  1. Keep while the changes so that you can work on other tasks by using the Git tools support Team explorer to stash Git.
  2. See Optional extensions that are available in Visual Studio, drag the Market Place demand for Visual Studio, which integrates reviews Pull request to the Visual Studio.
  3. Use the work item experience Azure DevOps recently focused on developer workflows, including the display of user-specific work items, create a branch of work items, search for work items with # mentioned, and inline editing.

Programming Languages

Save time when writing c++ code and XAML using Visual Studio IntelliCode, optional extensions provide recommendations help AI for your code.

Learn about the language and tools of F the contribution of open source has been included. This change has been stabilising F # feature set.

Easily add Python virtual environments using Python Add dialog conda Environment.

Web Technologies

Take advantage of the additional support for working with .NET 3.0 Core project.
View profile of CPU ASP.NET.

Use the snapshot debugger for .NET web application running in a Virtual machine, Virtual Machine, Set of Scales and services Azure Kubernetes

Mobile Development with Xamarin

Experience improved performance Xamarin. initial and additional Android.

Take advantage of the improved productivity at Xamarin Android Designer.

Check out the new properties panel to control Xamarin. Forms.
    Improving performance through improved workload size for the improve the Android emulator and Xamarin.

Use the Intellicode by Xamarin. The Form Of XAML.

Universal Windows Platforms (UWP)

Use the extension with IntelliCode XAML with the help of our additional support.

Of course for some developers it will be lots of new features that support the development of applications that are made, but certainly after that device specifications will be higher according to the needs of visual studio 2019 itself i.e. as follows:

For more information let us wait for the scheduled release of Microsoft is, for you who want to download a Preview version of Visual Studio 2019 this page can be downloaded here.

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